Reminiscent of 19th century social novels. Akahige tells the story of an upper-class doctor who goes through the life-changing experience of working in an overcrowded, low-budget clinic. He reluctantly comes in, self-centered and stubborn, but ends up abandoning his privileges to dedicate his life to curing the poor. It’s a movie with a strong progressive statement: the people’s health is first and foremost a social and political problem. Unfortunately, the message is hammered down with way more insistence and explicitness than needed, occasionally telling more than showing. On all other accounts, it splendidly delivers, from the subplots structure to the stellar photography & acting.
起初,导演创造阴口里面长了肉芽是怎么回事。 阴口里面长了肉芽是怎么回事虚无缥缈,画面黑暗。 导演的幽灵运行在胶片上。 导演说:要有光。于是就有了光。 导演看光是好的,就将光暗分开。 神称光为电,暗为影。 有创造,有光影, 导演是一门神的艺术